The first step on the path which simply means we invite others
This is not a program or ministry, but a mindset
Being invitational is attitude change towards those on the outside of the Church & a culture change on the inside of the Church. (Inviting becomes second nature)
Non-threatening, fresh way to explore the Gospel
7 week build up to a retreat with a 3 week follow up
Everyone is invited: Cradle Catholics, Converts, people of different faiths or no faith
Typical ALPHA night includes: a meal, video or talk & a small group discussion
ALPHA is used as a way “on board” people into the life of discipleship
Inviting individuals who have been through ALPHA to come back on team: Table Host or helper, Hospitality, Arts and Environment, Kitchen, Childcare, etc.
We desire ALPHA team training to impact all ministries at our parish
ALPHA team is only for a period of time as you move to another ministry after
Connect Group
Christian House Party led by 4 lay leaders
Group of 20-30 people who have attended ALPHA
Gather in someone’s home, share in a potluck, listen to a testimony of one of the members of the group, share in small groups and pray
No commitment, come when you can
New connect groups are formed when we have identified, called for and equipped new leaders
“If it’s not highlight of your 2 weeks, you’re doing it wrong.”
After ALPHA & serving on ALPHA team you are encouraged to join in a ministry by using your God-given time and talents
Connect group leaders help to identify these talents
Our hope is that every parishioner will be involved in at least one ministry, that they will grow in that ministry into a leadership role, ultimately leading them to apprentice another individual
Discipleship Groups
Adult Faith Formation opportunity
Groups range from 4-12 people
Approximately 4-6 weeks in length
The Eucharist is the ‘source and summit of the Christian life.’ (Vatican 2)
When we are evangelized and in a discipleship process, seeing, experiencing and serving community, worship, especially the Mass, will come to life.
We offer a variety of music styles during the Masses: Choir (5:30 PM), Traditional (8:00 AM) & Praise Band (11:00 AM)
Going out to spread the Good News
Sharing your faith story with others
The parish culture will change when it’s members have an encounter with Christ, are filled with the Holy Spirit and are ultimately transformed from “The Way.”